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susan merson






Um, yes. Ghosts.

Protoplasm? Slime corridors? Shadows against bright walls? Not really.

But, sensing presence, getting dream visits, stubborn symbols, letters, numbers showing up over and over again? Now, that is a yes.

In fact, the ghostly encounter I describe in OH GOOD NOW THIS, where the ghost of Vivi’s unborn baby, may have come from my own daughters tough and abiding arrival on the planet, six weeks early, ready or not, here she comes!

She was adopted at birth and I was right there when she emerged from her birth mama at 11:03 PM. Tiny at 3 lbs, 4 oz she was already indomitable and though we reluctantly left her to the sweet care of the night nurses and baby incubator, we knew a special one had just come down to the planet. Apparently, we were not alone in that knowledge.

When my husband and I got home and closed our eyes around 2 AM, we slept lightly, listening for any word from the hospital. We were easily awakened by the ringing phone. An old woman’s voice was on the other end of the line. This was startling on its own but when the old woman explained that she was looking for her mother and asked for my daughter by the new name we had just bestowed upon her a few hours earlier, we were clearly shaken.

She explained that she was oh so very old and was about to die but knew that her own mother was coming down to meet her and she begged us to let her talk to her. My husband, hands trembling, handed me the phone and I cooed and calmed the old woman, and sent love and blessings to her, but I could not, of course, help her talk to the brand new person who had just entered the planet. She sighed deeply, wept quietly and hung up the phone.

I looked at my husband to confirm what we had just experienced. And my mother, who was visiting for the welcoming of our new child, was also up and standing by our bed, listening in. We all hugged, blessed the beautifully connected soul, who had just come in to our care and shook our heads as we headed back to bed.

When my child came home and I held her in my arms, almost constantly those first few months, she had yet to arrive really. She was so early to the planet, she had still to make peace

with her stunning entrance. She slept in my arms, became a part of my body, until almost exactly the six weeks until her scheduled due date. Before that she was neither here nor there. Floating in my arms, securing herself to the planet and conversing with what spirits from what dimensions, I cannot say.

It’s been thirty years since her birth and she has emerged as a beautiful and strong, young woman struggling into womanhood as only the best ones do.

Both my mother and my husband have died, and so cannot confirm the events on the night of her birth so many years ago. They are both resting in peace, I hope. But I do feel their presences. Especially now, as I write this, affirming the ways in which we slip from dimension to dimension through the ever thinning veil.

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